Sunday, October 31, 2010

Screen Bean Theatre #1

The Only Other Possibility
I put together this strip a week or so ago, half as a Photoshop test run and half because I thought this was the sort of thing I would do for the main strip, but it turned out to be too minimal and too self-contained. But it's still kind of cute, so I don't want to just throw it away. Every weekend, I'll post one of these Screen Bean Theatre strips as a little side comic, just for shits and giggles.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Alex-Induced Epiphanies

Inevitably, in the course of talking to Alex Wroten, you will realize you are wrong. What you are wrong about and how long it takes you to realize it will vary, but it is guaranteed to happen, and when it does, it will suck so fucking hard. Trust me, I know; I'm pretty much always wrong when I talk to him. Unless it's about killing babies, in which case, for the sake of babies everywhere, I hope I'm right.

In this particular Alex-Induced Epiphany (AIE), I have come to grips with the fact that I was wrong about dinner. Frankly, I was wrong about a lot of things, included but not limited to vegetables, farmers, metabolism, Potassium, and the Sun. If it still matters, my only remaining assertion about my meal-eating habits is that I pretty consistently eat a bowl of cereal right when I wake up, no matter what time it is.

What sucks hardest about the AIE is that the boy means well. Most people, when they won't let something go because they just know they're right, get pretty ugly about it. Most debates, no matter how trivial, degenerate into personal attacks; true colors are revealed, and relationships are left in ruin. Alex, however, keeps it clean and civil, but more than that, he's somehow doing it for your own good. That's the part that really drives you mad. If he didn't let debates die because he just likes being right all the time, then it would be easy to just go "Fuck that guy" and move on. But in truth, he wants to help you not look like a jackass in front of large crowds. Unfortunately, I published that last post before receiving his aid, so that ship sailed.

What sucks second hardest about the AIE is the amount of introspection one must subsequently do. Why are my eating habits so fucked? Am I getting enough nutrients? Why did I think I was right for so long when I was so clearly not? What the hell arguments was I trying to use to support that false rightness? What else am I wrong about?

Please share your own experiences with AIE, or any other brand of epiphany with which you've had trouble coming to grips. You're not alone out there.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Adventures of Clip and Art #2

Fair Trade

Clip and Art are building a spaceship?!

My proficiency with Photoshop grows by the day. Not bragging or anything. Hardly. I feel like I have so much to learn. Just watching Alex Wroten wield its tools and produce an image far more complex than this webcomic in a fraction of the time it took me to finish this strip makes me realize exactly how far behind the curve I am. Still, they say the best way to learn a foreign language is to live in a place where the natives speak it, so I will continue ambling my way around this software until it is my bitch.

Is it me or is the text in my strips too damn small? What do you think?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

dinner [DIN-er]: n. Whatever the hell I say it is

Recently and frequently, I have found myself quite on the defensive in a couple of debates over the definitions of certain food-related terms, specifically "dinner" and "sandwich".  "Ehab!" you have undoubtedly exclaimed. "How can there be any debate? Dinner is obviously the third meal of the day."

Oh, reader.  You think with the simplistic naïveté of a child.  I want nothing more than to pat you on the head and say, with the condescending smile of someone who has seen too much, "Of course it is," but the truth is so much more important than your feelings.  And the truth is that dinner is so much more than just the third meal of the day.

Each meal is the marriage of what you eat and when you eat, relative to when you start your day.  Breakfast must occur shortly upon waking up, even if you wake up at noon or later, and must consist of things like eggs, cereal, biscuits, pancakes, waffles, etc.  Lunch should take place a few hours later, in the middle of your day, with soup, a sandwich, a bagel, a salad, chips, etc.  Dinner is, granted, the third and typically last meal of the day, but it must involve the consumption of some entreé, like steak, burger, pasta, pizza, or even salad if it's hearty enough, with a side dish or a dessert (I'm a little more flexible with defining "side dish"; despite being very different in taste and texture, both corn and chili qualify as side dishes, since neither really fits in any other food category.  Dessert is fairly self-explanatory: something sweet after a meal).

I hate to have to get all Etiquette Nazi on your ass, but any derivation from these norms requires you to relinquish your right to say you eat three square meals a day.  Waking up and eating pasta with breadsticks does not count as breakfast.  Eating an omelet at midday if you woke up at 7 a.m. does not count as lunch.  A peanut butter and jelly sandwich after having a legitimate breakfast and lunch does not count as dinner.

An important fourth element here is the snack.  A snack can be almost anything, as long as it doesn't already fit into breakfast, lunch, dinner, or side dish, and any combination of snacks, so long as there is ample time in between each individual snack, does not qualify as a meal simply by virtue of the amount of food being consumed.  For example, if one eats a bag of popcorn at 8 p.m. and then some grapes at 10 p.m., that's two separate snacks, not dinner split into two parts.  Desserts are snacks if they do not follow a meal and instead stand alone.

This debate started because my job does not have me working regular hours every day.  Sometimes, I work in the afternoon and evening.  Sometimes, I work in the morning.  Try as I might, I cannot get into a regular routine of eating three meals, as I have defined them.  So I take what I can get when I can get it, and because of that sporadic eating, I most often have to skip dinner.  Certain other individuals do not buy that claim, believing instead that it's all about the absolute time you eat, not the relative time, and that what you eat matters little.  To them, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at 7 p.m. is dinner simply because I am eating it at 7 p.m.  Such unrefined logic makes me frown with lost hope.

Now that I've codified what has always seemed to me to be a set of self-evident truths, I shall allow you, dear reader, to attempt to thwart me with counterexamples.  If, as I expect, you cannot thwart me, then feel free to share your own rigid or cavalier definitions of meals.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Adventures of Clip and Art #1


Welcome to The Adventures of Clip and Art, the webcomic made entirely with Microsoft Clipart.  Maybe it's funny?

I must apologize for one of my design decisions.  Try as I might, I could find no substitute for the kitsch, the levity, or the ubiquity of the world's most overused and underinspired font: Comic Sans.  I have employed its fugly face here, but my tongue is so deep in my cheek it's about to punch through.

Feedback is compulsory.  Just think of it as the "If You Don't Vote, You Can't Complain" argument on a much, much, much smaller scale.  I am too new to Photoshop and not far enough removed from what I have created to know what needs more attention, so I need you to tell me.  Please.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

There Will Be Posts

There will be webcomics.  There will be asinine essays.  There will be video game analyses.  There may or may not be blood, I don't know.